Sunday, July 31, 2011

Reading Suggestions

We will post blogs each week for reading suggestions for all grades Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Students will give input as to what they've read, what they loved, and what they'd like to post as reading suggestions for fellow students. Look for a new post each Wednesday to give you time to check them out for the weekend! And parents, I'd love to have your feedback for books you enjoyed as a child; even though new books are written every day, a classic is still a classic, and those who enjoyed The Secret Garden or Harriet the Spy (a personal favorite of mine) or The Wind in the Willows can delight in seeing their own children discover these books for the first time. Stay tuned for these Wednesday postings, and remember: reading is fun for everyone, so open a book and dive in!


Welcome to Madison Heights Elementary Library and your new school librarian, Ms. Melody Ramsey! I am excited to be at Madison Heights Elementary, and look forward to an AMAZING year working with these great students! We will read, work with technology, complete some fun projects, and learn more about our community and the world around us. Here's to a great school year for 2011-2012, and let me know how I can help any student, parent, or fellow teacher and administrators to make Madison Heights Elementary a GREAT place to learn and read!